Thursday 18 October 2012

What's Happening To Me?

The first trimester comes to an end

While your baby is going through big changes, so far things have been going slower for you. But now you’re in for 10 weeks of rapid growth, just like your baby.
You are almost at the end of the first trimester; your uterus has been growing along with the foetus inside it. It is almost big enough to fill your pelvis. You are still in that stage when no one can actually tell whether you are pregnant or whether you have just had one too many treats lately. It can be frustrating! You see the glances, friends and co-workers who don’t dare to ask. And perhaps you are happy they are not asking! It’s a rather personal issue when and who to tell.
However you feel, don’t try losing weight. Losing weight when one is pregnant is never a good idea. A lot of toxins are stored in your body fat and will be released if you lose weight. This isn't good for the baby. Instead, pay attention to what you eat and how much you are moving; if you do not train regularly, maybe you can start going for a walk or maybe you like to swim?
By the way, you are now burning calories in a hurry, up to 25 per cent faster than you did before you were pregnant.
Good advice this week is to drink a lot of water; you need it for the production of both blood and amniotic fluid.

To Myself : Be strong mommy! InsyaAllah this condition will stop after this.....