Thursday 18 October 2012

What's Happening Inside My Tummy? It's 11th week now!

19 Oktober 2012 (Isnin)

It’s no longer an embryo

At this time the foetal period has begun, leaving the embryonic period behind.
Now with everything in place, rapid growth begins in week 11! The crown-to-rump length of your baby will double in the next three weeks. Until week 20, halfway through the pregnancy, your baby will increase his or her weight 30-fold. And at the end of this week her head and body will be roughly equal in length.
Your baby can open its mouth and the tongue is fully developed. The liver takes up much of the space in the abdominal parts.
Your baby’s testicles or ovaries have been formed and one can make out external sex organs.
He or she is also getting into a more active phase. There is lots of room and lots of amniotic fluid to float and stretch in.

Illustration by Karoline Lenhult