Monday 19 November 2012

Frequent Asked Questions About Pregnancy

Your baby's movements in pregnancy


When will I feel my baby's first movements?

Feeling those first, tiny sensations inside is such an exciting landmark in your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, it may take you a while to realise that those gentle fluttering sensations in your belly are your baby's movements. When you get these feelings, it's known as quickening. You will probably start to be aware of something when you're about 18 to 20 weeks pregnant (Gillieson et al 1984), although it can be later.

If you've had a baby before, you'll know the tell-tale signs. You'll probably start to notice your baby moving around between
15 and 18 weeks (Gillieson et al 1984).

What is my baby doing in there?

Ultrasound scans can show us what babies do and when. Most of your baby's movements start long before you become aware of them:
  • At seven to eight weeks, your baby starts general movements, such as bending sideways, and startling.

  • At about nine weeks, your baby hiccups, moves an arm or leg on its own, and sucks and swallows.

  • At 10 weeks, he can flex and rotate his head, bring his hands up to touch his face, open his jaw and stretch.

  • At 11 weeks, he can yawn.

  • At 14 weeks he can move his eyes.
(de Vries and Fong 2006)Gradually, your baby's movements become strong enough for you to feel them. Before long, you'll be used to him thumping or kicking as he stretches out his limbs.

Your baby won't be on the move constantly. Like you, there will be times when he just wants rest and sleep. Towards the end of your pregnancy, he'll rest for about 45 minutes at a time (de Vries and Fong 2006). The rests might feel longer than this, because you won't feel every movement.

How will my baby's movements feel week by week?

You won't be aware of all your baby's movements. Some of them won't last long enough for you to feel them. You're likely to feel most movements that last longer than a few seconds (Hijazi and East 2009, de Vries and Fong 2006). Here's a guide to what you can expect to feel and when:

From 20 to 24 weeks
As the weeks go by, your baby's activity will gradually increase. You'll notice your baby becoming more lively during the day (Hijazi and East 2009, de Vries and Fong 2006), with lots of kicking and somersaults.

From 24 to 28 weeks
You may start to notice when your baby gets hiccups. It'll feel like a jerking movement. The amniotic sac now contains up to 750ml (26floz) of fluid. This gives your baby plenty of space to move around freely. You may notice him jumping at sudden noises.

At 29 weeks
Your baby will begin to make smaller, more definite movements, as he becomes more cramped inside your uterus (womb).

At 32 weeks
You're likely to notice a peak in movements. After this week, the number of movements you notice will tail off (Hijazi and East 2009). This is quite normal, as your baby has less space to move in.

From around 36 weeks
Your baby could take up his final, usually head-down, position. This is more likely to happen at this stage if this is your first baby. The firm muscles of your uterus and tummy will help to keep him in place. The main movements you are likely to feel now are jabs from his arms and legs, and possibly painful kicks to your ribs.

If you've had a baby before, your tummy muscles are likely to be weaker. Your baby might keep changing his position right up to your due date.

From 36 to 40 weeks
Your baby will be getting larger and roll-over movements happen less often. By now, your baby may have learned to suck his thumb. If his thumb pops out of his mouth, you may feel his head darting from side to side as he tries to find it again.

During the final two weeks of your pregnancy, the movements are likely to slow down (de Vries and Fong 2006). Instead, you may notice an insistent kicking underneath your ribs on one side or the other. This slowing down is normal, but if you're worried about your baby's movements, always see your doctor.

By now, your baby should be nestled in your pelvis, ready to make his journey into the world. His head can feel like a melon pressing on
your pelvic floor. If your baby isn't head-down, find out how to get him into the best position for birth.

There will be times when your baby is sleeping and other times when he's active. He may liven up in the evenings or when you're lying in bed trying to get to sleep (Hijazi and East 2009). Your baby may keep the same pattern of activity into his first few weeks of life (de Vries and Fong 2006), until he
learns to tell day from night.

How many kicks should I feel each day?

There isn't a set number of kicks you should feel. You probably won't be advised to keep a written record or chart of your baby's movements, as used to happen (NCCWCH 2008:276). These sorts of charts are not really helpful for telling whether or not a baby has a problem (Heazell and Froen 2008, Mangesi and Hofmeyr 2007). It's easy to forget to fill them in. Then the results are inaccurate and can end up worrying you unnecessarily (Mangesi and Hofmeyr 2007).

Instead, you'll be asked to get used to your baby's pattern of movements during waking hours. As your pregnancy goes on, it gets easier to learn this rhythm. Every baby has a different pattern of waking and sleeping (de Vries and Fong 2006), but you'll come to know what is normal for him (Hijazi and East 2009, Heazell and Froen 2008). If you notice a change in his pattern, always tell your doctor straight away (NCCWCH 2008:276).

I haven't felt my baby kick today, should I be worried?

If you are concentrating on something else, you may not have noticed your baby's movements. If you want some reassurance, here are ways to encourage your baby to move:
  • Put your feet up and relax. Babies are sometimes rocked to sleep while you are moving around and may wake up when you stop.

  • Lie down on your side (with support under your bump) and stay still. This will help you focus on your baby's movements.

  • Have a really cold drink. Your baby may feel the change in temperature and try to move away from it.

  • Make some noise. Play loud music or slam a door to see if he responds.
If your baby starts to move around, then all is probably well, but keep an eye on his movements from now on. Never put off seeking help until tomorrow, if you haven't felt your baby move as normal today.

When should I see a doctor?

Contact your doctor if:
  • your baby doesn't start to move in response to noise or some other stimulus (Arulkumaran et al 1989, Chutiwongse et al 1991);
  • there's a big decrease in your baby's movements, or a gradual one over several days.
A decrease in your baby's movements could be a sign that he's not getting enough nutrients or oxygen through the placenta (Holm Tveit et al 2009, Hijazi and East 2009, Tveit et al 2009, O'Sullivan et al 2009). If this is suspected, your doctor is the best person to guide you on what to do.

There are several ways your doctor or the hospital can check your baby to see how he's doing. They will monitor his heartbeat. You may have a scan to measure your baby's size and
the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding him. If there are any concerns about his growth, a special scan called a Doppler can check the flow of blood to and from your baby (Olesen and Svare 2004).

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